Hugh Eltinge, a struggling artist, and Mark Dunbar, a genius of the pen, whom the world has as yet failed to reward, live together in MacDougal...
A Square Deal
Madge Evans, World Film Corp. juvenile star, is sent to her Quaker grandparents, Timothy and Tabitha Mendenhall, when her father and mother go to...
The Volunteer
Helene, who dances in a Greenwich Village cabaret accompanied on the violin by her grandfather, loses her job after his death. She then is hired as a...
The Cabaret
Following the death of her father, a Maine trapper, Jennie Cox moves to New York to earn her living.
The Oldest Law
A beautiful young French girl falls in love with a handsome New Englander, but when they marry and return to his family home, she finds that she does...
His Parisian Wife
Gloria Swann becomes a dancer at the Palm Garden cabaret, trying to secure a better future and accepts Judge Malvin's offer of marriage despite the...
Eyes of the Soul
The Price of Pride