The story of Ibrahim, a young teacher, who finds oddities in the life of the village he will live in. His life was influenced by Pak Harun's moral...
The Narrow Bridge
Because her father was seriously ill in Semarang, and Sri Asih did not have time to leave, Sri Asih only took her mother to the station. After the...
Sri Asih
This film, produced in Indonesia and based on the old Japanese folk saying that "a man's happiness depends upon a knife, house, horse, wife, and...
Rajuan Alam
For this sequel to the unexpectedly successful Ratapan Anak Tiri (Lament of a Stepchild), Susy is bullied by her stepmother, who is her...
Ratapan Anak Tiri II
After the accidental drowning death of their son, a military truck driver begins to doubt the faithfulness of his wife.
Fighting the Storm