A Chilean talent show in the mold of "American Idol," "Rojo" became a huge hit the moment it hit the airwaves. This comic series puts a fictional...
Rojo: La película
Laura and Ruben reunite after spending 15 years apart in a remote cabin in the woods.
A young and withdrawn costume designer pays for his mother’s medical treatment by being a dominant sex worker, in sadomasochistic encounters...
It Hurts
Santiago, capital of Chile during the Marxist government of elected, highly controversial president Salvador Allende. Father McEnroe supports his...
In Santiago, Chile, the schoolteacher Luisa proposes a debate about sex with the parents of her students with the intention of giving classes about...
Sex with Love
Despite disowning his Italian past, Marcelo surprisingly inherits all the debts of his late mafioso “nonno”. Now he must learn from the...
Marcelo, la mafia y la estafa
TV Movie based on the life of Gabriela Mistral. Gabriela's life is reconstructed, her travels as a diplomat, the relationship with her adopted son...
La Gabriela: Una historia sobre Gabriela Mistral
A child suffering from Fallot syndrome will inevitably die on Christmas eve. A sensationalist journalist takes advantage of his condition and makes...
El niño azul
Jaime, who’s been away from the city by his own free will, invites his family to watch an eclipse at his house on the mountains. The tensions...
Elisa, a lonely and shy librarian, moves to live in a downtown building, without knowing the killing of a young student took place there some time...
The Night Visitor
Adriana finds out the son she's expecting suffers a brain malformation that won't allow him to live outside her womb. As therapeutic abortion is...
Apio Verde
The ghost of a young German colonist, who died a couple of hundred years ago in unclear supernatural circumstances, appears in Chile to fulfill her...
La rubia de Kennedy