A Chilean talent show in the mold of "American Idol," "Rojo" became a huge hit the moment it hit the airwaves. This comic series puts a fictional...
Rojo: La película
Salvador moves to London from Chile to study English and travel around Europe at his parents’ expense. He stays with his aunt María, who...
I Am From Chile
Daniel David and Anita Salinas are trying to build the first comic book company in Chile. But inexperience and personal problems will end up causing...
La Comiquería
A young man wanders through a stylized Valparaíso, seeking to overcome a recent breakup.
You Better Not Smoke
Gustavo Ortíz is a university student from a comfortable, middle class family who is forced to spend his summer vacation cleaning pools when...
The Poolboy
Adriana finds out the son she's expecting suffers a brain malformation that won't allow him to live outside her womb. As therapeutic abortion is...
Apio Verde
Santos, a failed comic book artist, lives in a parallel universe where he's a superhero who has to save the world.