A series of interviews are conducted with convicted serial killer Ted Bundy in hopes of gaining insight into the Green River Killer who is...
The Riverman
In the small town of Seacliff, Wash., a child's letter to Santa Claus captures the nation's attention. When the little boy, Chris, writes that he...
A Town Without Christmas
Darcy is a 28-year-old, good-looking charmer with the life aspirations of a 15-year-old. He’s happiest when he’s with his best friends...
Touch & Go
When a photojournalist photographs a mysterious stranger performing an act of bravery, the act quickly becomes headline news and the town dubs the...
Finding John Christmas
A gifted teenager, dreaming of life beyond her small town, becomes inspired when a 15-year-old girl from New York moves in next door.
New Waterford Girl