In a small Spanish town, during the Christmas holidays, a group of rich old ladies organize a peculiar event that consists of inviting a homeless...
Perpignan, 1971. A toy factory supervisor becomes obsessed with a newly hired employee. To be with her, he plans the perfect crime: Training his...
El crimen de Perpignan
Elisa, a seller of a fashion house, sends a model to the wrong address. For fear of being fired she decides to recover it on her own. She encounters...
La boda era a las doce
The film is divided into three parts: 'Restlessness', 'Violence' and 'Death', to explain the motivations, evolution and defeat of three young misfits...
Los atracadores
Fierce portrait of a leftist student who betrays his girlfriend in order to kill a rich man with high political influence.
La respuesta
John, manager of a company, play a game of cards with a group of people he has met in a nightclub. Realizing that one of them cheats, fights with...
Regresa un desconocido