Told through the eyes of a young journalist named Maya, who has inadvertently gotten captured into a human trafficking ring while doing an...
On the eve of a five-year prison sentence, a father reaches out to his estranged daughter using the only tool he has left -- a lie. Michael Bofshever...
Losing Gracie
A Mexican man (Uncle John) played by (Danny Trejo) seeks to avenge his brothers murder when he attempts to cross the US/Mexican border. (Bondo)...
North by El Norte
An economically repressed young man (Bondo) loses his father in his attempt to cross the border (to send money home) at Tijuana, Mexico. As Bondo...
American Flyer
A troubled ex-con joins the colorful crew of an old movie theater and begins to rebuild his life, only to find his faith in God tested when he learns...
Restored Me
A documentary film crew runs afoul of sadistic radicals when they follow illegal immigrants sneaking over the U.S. border.
Made up of 10 short films, 'Revolucion' analyzes through the eyes of the directors what is the revolution today and what it means to the young minds...