The adventures of Pedro, a musician who is trying his luck in Rio de Janeiro, in the 1950's. He leaves his hometown Belo Horizonte to share a lodging...
Sambando nas Brasas, Morô?
A once-rich family of women in Rio de Janeiro must sell their mansion in order to keep their high standard of living, but the proximity to the slums...
For Sale or Rent
A scientist discovers a breakthrough formula for harnessing nuclear energy and becomes the target for numerous secret agents around the world.
A Espiã que Entrou em Fria
The heroes of Golden Oldies 1— Juca, PR, and Montanha — are back, following different routes. Montanha lives in an old mansion and gets...
Golden Oldies 2
Even with all the brutality in the Brazilian dictatorial period, many artists presented themselves as a resistance, using their talent and creativity...
What are you Laughing At? Humour and Dictatorship
When a woman discovers her husband's infidelity, she decides to get divorced. But he still loves her, and learning that another guy has fallen for...
Love for Three
Here Comes Joy