Roman police detectives interrogate a series of potential perpetrators in their struggle to determine whom to arrest for the brutal murder of a...
La Commare Secca
The epic tale of a class struggle in twentieth century Italy, as seen through the eyes of two childhood friends on opposing sides.
Follows the adventures of a group of friends, teddy boys and rock and roll chicks whose crazy, fun-loving habits inspire jiving from some of Rome's...
Howlers of the Dock
A fairy tale of the misadventures of a beautiful but temperamental Neapolitan peasant, Isabella, when she meets the ill- tempered Spanish Prince...
More Than a Miracle
The retired general Antonio Cavalli is a nuisance to his family: to his wife Francesca who still works, to his son and to his daughter-in-law. Then...
The Commandant
Giovanni is a young widower with a son who is attracted to the charming teen Allegra.
Everyone's in Love