Set in the coffee fields of Latin America, the movie unfolds through the eyes of Josefina Moreno, an 18 year-old coffee picker, with a rare and...
The Whisper of Silence
A modern retelling of the infamous War of the Worlds broadcast that changed history. Televised from a closed set in the midst of a global pandemic....
Guerra de los Mundos En Vivo
Loosely inspired by Shakespeare's Othello, La Palabra de Pablo (Pablo's Word) tells the story of a broken contemporary Salvadorian upper middle class...
Pablo's Word
After watching an infomercial about traveling an old woman decides to escape from the retirement home to make her dreams come true.
Mrs. Genovese
A day in the life of a Salvadoran taxi driver. Attempting to survive the grim realities in San Salvador, Gabriela Rodriguez prioritizes her family as...
A semi-retired special ops assassin and a DEA agent cross paths on separate missions to stop a cyber terrorist organization that has built a...
Black Warrant