The film tells a story of 2 girls who were born on the same day and unintentionally switched at birth. Their lives are completed changed due to the...
Autumn Fairy Tale
Famous actress, Sharla Cheung, was first made known to the audiences prior to her fim debut with this story of Lee Nan (Sharla Cheung), who came to...
Hearth and Home
When a fellow scientist asks for Jack's help in locating the mausoleum of China's first emperor, the past collides violently with the present as Jack...
The Myth
Kai (Leehom Wang) awakens on his Shanghai houseboat––alone. His girlfriend Emma (Olivia Munn) has suddenly disappeared, leaving behind...
Critical Lifeline
The films spans two decades as the story unfolds in a series of flashbacks that begin when Qiyue and Ansheng were just thirteen. The two became...
A person's life is destined to be shorter than that of a city. Having spent her whole life in Shanghai, Qiyao has her moments of prosperity and her...
Everlasting Regret
Su Wen Xing, the first son of the second lady of Su’s Cloth Store, was once determined to get the store’s cachet and succeed his...
Lucky Star