This thriller follows two sets of couples, Franklin and Bella Sloane and Rod and Carol Everett, as they end up trapped in the Sloane house during a...
Snowy Night
Based on real events, the story follows a father and son who identify as Sovereign Citizens, a group of anti-government extremists, as they venture...
When Cheryl finds out her daughter Ashley is dancing as a pole dancer at a night club, she is furious. Then Ashley goes missing and the cops are no...
Secret Life of a Sorority Girl
Pastor Dave responds to the unimaginable tragedy of having his church, located on the grounds of the local university, burned down.
God's Not Dead: A Light in Darkness
When a murder spree breaks out, Sheriff Hagan suspects that Julie, one victim's daughter, may know more than she's letting on. His investigation...
Then The Night Comes
The first vampire himself Vlad Tepes arrives in the sleepy community of Willcox and quickly turns an innocent private nurse into his vampire queen....
Dark Night
After killing Alison Sumner and being seemingly killed by Robert Kersey, James Kirby is being transferred to the local morgue. But he isn't dead and...
Indestructible: Afterlife
Long-time best friends Lisa and Samantha stop to rescue an abused woman to return her home, only to find that they've been deceived by a family full...
In His Name
The Lambert family purchased a new telephone in 1909. Eighty years later and after the recent passing of Tim Lambert's father, he moves in with his...
Hello Are You There?
Mable Manden, the wealthy matriarch of the Manden family, is dead. Now her relatives, a group of misfits and idiots, are in a mad dash to the death...
Bury the Hatchet
Four student filmmakers set out to explore an abandoned building famous for its connection with the occult, but as their journey becomes littered...
1st Summoning
Eleanor, a high school principal in rural Arkansas, is a queen in her kingdom of concrete walls and vinyl floors. What will she do when her perfect...
Into the Green
A skilled young female agent is tasked with capturing a rogue former agent before she can unleash a biological weapon starting with the wealthy and...
Agent Jade Black