In a world where human beings and puppets live together, when the members of the cast of a children's television show aired during the 1990s begin to...
The Happytime Murders
Framed for assassinating the Grandmaster, the Lost Ninja Clan must battle their way up an underground nuclear bunker filled with hordes of...
Ninja Apocalypse
Multipart Documentaries released with the BluRay of the movie, looking into the creation and production of Ad Astra, with interviews of Cast and...
Reach For The Stars
Treasure hunter Trey Arcqeo is tasked by the Oxford Museum to recover the ancient Plates of Siddhartha and finds himself in the remote hills of an...
Relic Hunt
In 1873, Emperor Meiji abolished the rights of the samurai in favor of a modern, westernized military. With intentions to launch a bloody crusade...
The Dry Blade
Duality is a film about a man who is traveling between different universes against his will. Through his experience and struggle the film looks at...