Other is the story of two half-Chinese sisters forced to work together to save their late father’s American dream. As they experience daily...
Five gal pals struggling with life decide to head to the desert, for a girls weekend of restorative scream therapy. Their vacation takes a sharp turn...
Scream Therapy
All Eric has ever wanted is a real friend. He just never knew how to find one.
The Forgotten Place
A group of scientists are experimenting with time travel, and they manage to send one of their group ahead in time one hour. But when he comes back,...
Ten years ago, Tyler Porter had it all. As the star of the hit television series "Dallas Austin," all he knew were red carpets and flashy headlines....
Welcome To Hollywood Florida
Inspired by a true story. Valiant Thor, a Universal Emissary, meets with President Eisenhower in 1957 and is put on VIP status for 3 years. Thor has...
Stranger at the Pentagon
Refugees are captured by border patrol officers as one woman escapes to find herself surviving on her own in a foreign land.
Love cannot save you.
In 1944, a courageous group of Russian soldiers managed to escape from German captivity in a half-destroyed legendary T-34 tank. Those were the times...
A sheltered young loser goes on the worst blind date ever when he and his date must cover up the accidental murder of a crooked cop.
How We Met