A decorated Marine goes on a rescue mission to save his two young sons from an unhuman threat. As their journey takes them in increasingly dangerous...
A young hipster wannabe-superstar dj, Phil, takes on a day job at a telemarketing company, working with crazy people, ex-prisoners, drug addicts and...
West Point, New York, 1830. When a cadet at the burgeoning military academy is found hanged with his heart cut out, the top brass summons former New...
The Pale Blue Eye
When a resentful brother organizes a prank kidnapping, he unwittingly hires career criminals who have plans of their own.
Take the Night
A stage director is driven to madness during a regional production of Julius Caesar.
Et Tu
Inspired by a true story, this film tells the shocking tale of a mother and daughter who are nothing like they seem, their tumultuous relationship...
Love You to Death
When his aging mob boss is whacked, Charlie Swift, a loyal friend and hired gun, will stop at nothing to destroy the upcoming crew that took him out.
Fast Charlie
A group of young explorers investigates an old abandoned hotel, only to encounter a strange supernatural being and a competing group looking for a...
Do Not Enter
A crew of acclaimed documentarians follow a young budding filmmaker as he attempts to create the world's greatest found footage horror film.
Found Footage: The Making of the Patterson Project
The edges of reality are blurred when a young man struggles to overcome a broken relationship.
I Wrote This for You
A mixed martial arts fighter evokes an ominous spirit when struggling to cut twelve pounds the night before his weigh-in.