Based on a real-life story, this drama focuses on a small group of Allied soldiers in Burma who are held captive by the Japanese. Capt. Ernest...
To End All Wars
The community reels after an incident on a suburban train. A young cop, beset with doubt and afflicted with tinnitus, is pitched into the chaos that...
City Loop tells the story of six young people who work in a pizzeria, as they struggle to comes to terms with boredom, fear of responsibility and...
City Loop
Three young Navy officers hit Sydney for one last night on land before being shipped over to the Gulf to fight. Sam has been mistreated at sea and is...
Three Blind Mice
In the wake of the devastating war against the RDA and the loss of their eldest son, Jake Sully and Neytiri face a new threat on Pandora: the Ash...
Avatar: Fire and Ash
The true story of Australia's cat-and-mouse underground mine warfare—one of the most misunderstood, misrepresented and mystifying conflicts of...
Beneath Hill 60
Written by comedian Peter Helliar, I LOVE YOU TOO stars Brendan Cowell as Jim, a 30-something emotionally stunted man whose inability to declare his...
I Love You Too
The story of David McMillan an Australian drug smuggler and the only person in history to escape from Klong Prem prison in Bangkok.
Underbelly Files: The Man Who Got Away
Tragedy strikes a small town's monster movie festival when the monster featured in the films comes to life.
When cricket obsessed Teddy Brown realizes his mates are growing up and moving on, he leads them and his D-Grade team on an audacious tour of India,...
Save Your Legs!
Brian Cox and Brendan Cowell star as father and son sharing a final tender moment. A gentle and understated film.
I Missed My Mother's Funeral
A witch hunt is beginning in Arthur Miller's captivating parable of power with Erin Doherty (The Crown) and Brendan Cowell (Yerma). Raised to be...
National Theater Live: The Crucible
A disgraced sports star and gambling addict attempts to turn his life around with the support of his number one fan.
Inspired to make an original, intimate family portrait, Gracie Otto directs a feature length documentary on her father, Barry Otto, whose career in...
Revealed: Otto By Otto
In the grip of grief following the death of his young son, his marriage on the rocks and nearing bankruptcy, Parker reluctantly returns to work as a...
Two girls are sent to live in the Australian bush with their hippy father. As they gradually bond, a stranger arrives from a town called Paradise.
A woman is driven to the unthinkable by her desperate desire to have a child in Simon Stone’s radical production of Lorca’s achingly...
National Theatre Live: Yerma
Bee Sting takes in love and complications as a father and son fall for the same woman on the schoolyard.
Bee Sting
Rex is a loner, and when he's told he doesn't have long to live, he embarks on an epic drive through the Australian outback from Broken Hill to...
Last Cab to Darwin
They were Australia’s bad days. Men killed other men and laughed. All that was left for the children of the dead was to remember. If they had...
Black Chook
A lesbian private detective dives head first into murder, manipulation and the consuming power of sex.
The Monkey's Mask
Set more than a decade after the events of the first film, learn the story of the Sully family (Jake, Neytiri, and their kids), the trouble that...
Avatar: The Way of Water
A disillusioned son's trip home is complicated when ten years of family secrets explode over one weekend.
Ten Empty
A young girl locks herself in her family bathroom in order to protest her father and neighbor's plan to cut down a beloved tree in the family's...
The Siege of Barton's Bathroom
An edited film version of Dune: Prophecy comprised of the first two episodes of, aired at the HBO original premiere in New York City.
Dune: Prophecy - Lincoln Centre Premiere