Industrial development and social decay in a small Swedish town leads to unemployment and unrest. Families are forced to move to where work is...
The Outcasts
In a movie studio, a fight scene is underway. The hero, played by Allan Bergner, will make an impression on the heroine, played by Ylva Vendel. But...
Tappa inte sugen
In the midst of a civil war, former violinists Jan and Eva Rosenberg, who have a tempestuous marriage, run a farm on a rural island. In spite of...
The devil has a stye in his eye, caused by the purity of a vicar's daughter. To get rid of it, he sends Don Juan up from hell to seduce the 20 year...
The Devil's Eye
As Agnes slowly dies of cancer, her sisters are so immersed in their own psychic pains that they are unable to offer her the support she needs.
Cries and Whispers