People in a little town "Črevo" attend the annual village assembly while the media crew from the new NNHTV interview locals about the European...
The film follows Ibro (Emir Hadžihafizbegović) and his son Armin (Armin Omerović), who travel from a small town in Bosnia to a film...
"Long Dark Night" follows the life of the fictional character Iva Kolar: his experiences as a Croatian University student, his role as a Partisan...
Long Dark Night
Iva is a girl who receives a small digital video camera for her fourteenth birthday. Delighted by her new toy, the girl immediately starts taping...
What Iva Recorded
Follows the life of general Ante Gotovina.
The General
A short film set in the 1990s about a boy who collects Animal Kingdom stickers.
Animal Kingdom
Through a period of five days, the story follows intertwined characters who live in false serenity and rather chaotic general order.
Behind the Glass
The series will be discussed how the Yugoslav secret service methods mimicked the NKVD, about 2 million files, ie one agent to 10 people), torture,...
Yugoslav Secret Services
Ivan, in his early forties, returns, after many years of absence to his native town - a typical Middle - European small town in Northern of Croatia....
The Sunken Cemetery
Illustrates the story of the siege of the Croatian town of Vukovar by the JNA and Serbian paramilitary forces in the autumn of 1991.
Remember Vukovar
After his wife's murder and house burnt, a young soldier is in search for new home for his daughter. But coming to chaotic at the beginning of the...
Each Time We Part Away
Man finds himself stuck in the moment between his wife's disappearance and new life created by his daughter and a new woman.
Children of the Fall
Lifelong rivalry between police inspector and professional criminal escalates on New Years Eve, 1990.
New Year's Eve Robbery
Four close friends, Lovro (21), Nenad (20), Stevan (22), and Ivan (20), fought against the Ustashas and Nazis by joining the partisans in WWII....
Beautiful Evening, Beautiful Day