An urban comedy of identity lost and found via sexual indiscretions, Frances is initially a bored 9-to-5-er. She comes to the much-prolonged decision...
Little Shots of Happiness
15-year-old Natalie, confused to begin with, finds out about her father's affair with one of his students. Refusing to simply stand by and watch her...
The Secret Life of Girls
A first person narrative of the exploits of a gay serial killer in deeply disturbing, controversial drama about violence, sexuality, and the...
Three very different Los Angeles teenage girls find themselves pregnant and dealing with poverty, drugs and confusion. Shanika (Tamara LaSeon Bass)...
Teenage London is trying to find meaning in the world, or a leather jacket of her own. Unaccepted by neither the Mods or the Asian biker gang, she...
Mod Fuck Explosion
In a Japanese-American family, the mother is stealing the terminally ill grandpa's morphine, the airhead sister is having sex with the family...
Terminal USA
Suzanne Fountain moves to NYC and plummets headlong into a twisted wonderland.
Shucking the Curve