A young woman awakens alone in her new (and as-yet-unfurnished) home on New Years's Day, having skipped festivities the night before. But in an...
A jaded political campaign operative gradually realizes the horrific true nature of the popular yet brash candidate she is working for.
The Greater Evil
In this contemporary take on the classic fable “The Boy Who Cried Wolf,” a man finds himself bored with his job — and decides to...
Believe Me
Dire warnings of immminent disaster have proven justified, as global destruction begins raining down from purple-hued skies. A Washington family...
Uncertainty Principle
Chain Mail International has had a banner year; the tanking economy is proving an unexpected boon for the firm’s time-honored business —...
Please Forward
Richard and Kate have lost everything: Job, home, lifestyle. Now, with everything they own packed into their battered old station wagon,...
All Roads Lead Away
Every Sunday, a group of close friends gets together for a backyard barbecue. But one day, Smitty decides to bring along his new girlfriend —...
Close Quarters
Ever since he was a child, Reuben knew he was different… and despite all his attempts to fit in with “normal” people, he remains...
Homemade Hero
Making a good first impression at a job interview is critical, as Mary well knows. But from the start, fate seems to be working against her. She...
Quite Contrary
Kevin can’t seem to catch a break in the romantic arena, and his poker buddies aren’t afraid to let him know it. Over the course of a...
Screening Process