The film’s story revolves around Karin Stolpe’s complex relationship with her husband Sven Stolpe and her passionate love affair with...
Burn All My Letters
Hans-Christian is a middle-aged priest who in the shadow of World War II decides to form a geographic association aiming at increased understanding...
Hans Christian and the Geographic Society
Staffan returns to Svalöv, his childhood town. The visit becomes an odyssey of his memories with his friends Maria and Janne when they grew up...
Good Night Irene
Alexander, a journalist, philosopher and retired actor, celebrates a birthday with friends and family when it is announced that nuclear war has begun.
The Sacrifice
Van Veeteren finds retiring from the police force is easier said than done when two decapitated bodies are found in quick succession. The matching MO...
Borkmann's Point
The daughter of a murdered private detective comes to Van Veeteren for help with a case that might be linked to Van Veeteren's only unsolved case.
Fallet G