This documentary follows the recording process, circa 1978-1979, of Nick Lowe, Dave Edmunds & Rockpile. It gives great insight into the process of...
Rockpile: Born Fighters
Rockpile recorded their installment of the German TV show Rockpalast in January 1980, a few months before the appearance of their lone LP, Seconds of...
Rockpile: Live at Rockpalast
Rockpile plays for a Danish Television audience in 1979. Tracks: 1.DOWN,DOWN,DOWN 2.I KNEW THE BRIDE 3.DEBORAH 4.LET IT ROCK 5.HERE COMES THE WEEKEND...
They Called it Sten: Rockpile Live in Denmark
Having made his Rockpalast debut in 1980 with Rockpile, Edmunds returned three years later, fronting his solo band, which included Rockpile guitarist...
Dave Edmunds: Live at Rockpalast
Organized by Paul McCartney and the United Nations, these concerts were in response to the 1975-79 Khmer Rouge’s reign, where three million...
Concerts for the People of Kampuchea