A realistic character study of a young man in his early 20s negotiating a disintegrating relationship with an ambitious artist/photographer...
Team Picture
A father must try to save his daughter from deep within the cult of Scientology, while a young woman working for the Scientologists must question her...
The Bridge
In the mid-1980s, the U.S. is poised on the brink of nuclear war. This shadow looms over the residents of a small town in Kansas as they continue...
The Day After
A series of collective dreams of a transworldly being visits a myriad of characters, revealing their subconscious desires.
Kairos Dirt and the Errant Vacuum
A homespun high school fairy tale comedy, What I Love About Concrete is a tour through the unbearable awkwardness, nascent cynicism, and disarming...
What I Love About Concrete