After receiving a text from Jena, their long-dead friends Angel, Niko, Ririn and Lili must overcome dangerous obstacles whose goal is to take their...
Alexandra (Mentari de Marelle), student, became a substitute teacher at an orphanage called House Angels. Alexandra replace Irma, who no longer hold...
Rumah Malaikat
Raina was inherited a hotel in Semarang by her father. He and his younger brother eventually managed the hotel. However, there was one unnumbered...
The Haunted Hotel
When her little sister claims she sees the dead, Alia consults a psychic, who opens her own eyes to the vengeful ghosts haunting their childhood home.
The Third Eye
After her sister died, Alia decides to start a new life by living in an orphanage owned by Mrs Laksmi and Mr Fadli as well as doing social work...
The Third Eye 2
While in the dormitory, the resident of the dormitory is terrorized by a supernatural creature. There is a kind of supernatural creature called...
An indigo child contacted by an uneased spirit who tries to shed a light on the cause of her allegedly suicide death.
They Who Are Not Seen
Bisma, a single photographer who is constantly being asked to marry by her parents, finally meets a perfectionist wedding organizer named Sissy....
Wedding Proposal