Set in the aftermath of a large-scale disaster, a small group of people remain behind in search of lost sons and new worlds. Two lovers, River and...
Further Than The Eye Can See
Slow Fight shows a young couple experiencing a series of increasingly upsetting events in a New Brunswick high-rise.
Slow Fight
A couple's happy relationship is upended when the small pieces of their universe unexpectedly shift, altering their romantic history and everything...
Do I Know You From Somewhere?
Blaise and Nessa are outcast methadone users in their small town. Each day they push a rusty lawnmower door-to-door begging to cut grass. Nessa plots...
Pillar has been drafted against her will on a one-way tour to colonize Mars. Queen of the Andes follows her last days on earth.
Queen of the Andes
Two young women find themselves in an impossible situation. With no one to turn to and against all odds, the pair take the road trip of their lives....