A story of a bunch of college friends who reunite after many years. It focuses on their college life, leading to the responsibilities of adulthood...
Hondisi Bareyiri
Kola Kolaya Mundhirika film is about wealthy man delegates a trusted subordinate to hide priceless diamonds in a set of chairs before he is murdered...
Kola Kolaya Mundhirika
Three friends, Ganesh (Ganesh), Diganth (Diganth) and Kitty (Rajesh Krishnan) come to Mugilupete. Ganesh falls in love with Sowmya (Daisy Bopanna), a...
Between right and wrong, black and white, lies the truth. Step into the captivating world of Grey Games, a family suspense thriller drama, that will...
Grey Games
Rajeeva rebels against his fathers wrongdoings and leaves home, leaving everything earned by his father, including the last thread of clothing on his...
Sathya Harishchandra, a young and whacky person, falls in love. The movie follows the love story of the young lad and answers if the prankster ever...
Sathya Harishchandra
Mayuri gets kidnapped when she is on a road trip with Krishna and DJ. However, the kidnapper releases her with a message for Krishna.
Raambo 2
The story revolves around a young man, Vikram, who is a fashion prodigy. The story is layered with a murder in town.
Bypass Road
A love drama based on true incidents.
A middle-aged bachelor, A thief, A young spiritual guru and a frustrated techie wade through a journey of self discovery that aligns them together in...
Dayavittu Gamanisi