Leyla, a beautiful and feisty middle-aged woman, lives with her mother, whose nagging has become everyday background music. The two women fight...
Wedding Dance
The sad story of a young girl's fall from the illuminated world of the runways into the darkness of drugs. Can who escapes from her home in order to...
In a remote village, some strange creatures are patrolling around. After 5 pm, no one dares to go out. A young journalist comes to the village and...
The Karadedeler Incident
15 Minutes Over Low Heat
Onların da aşkı masallar gibiydi ve evlendiler. Yani masallara göre sona geldiler… Adem'le Didem birbirlerini hala...
Ya Sonra?
A housewife with a big passion for fashion and with the help of her tailor Fazilet, she is turning her ideas into reality, but she gets competition...
Şaka Gibi