The gripping story of Britain's most extraordinary double agent; Eddie Chapman. Chapman duped the Germans so successfully he was awarded their...
Double Agent: The Eddie Chapman Story
Documentary detailing the successful Operation Mincemeat in 1943, which led to the Allies successfully invading Sicily and the war turning in their...
Operation Mincemeat
The story of D-Day has been told from the point of view of the soldiers who fought in it, the tacticians who planned it and the generals who led it. ...
Double Cross: The True Story of the D-day Spies
Author Ben Macintyre explores the truth behind one of the most famous double agents in modern history - Harold Kim Philby. He argues that Philby has...
Kim Philby: His Most Intimate Betrayal
The Special Air Service is the world's most famous combat unit, with the motto 'Who Dares Wins', but the story of how it came into existence has...
SAS: Rogue Warriors