Often called the worst director in the history of cinema, Ed Wood is nevertheless a beloved figure among cult-film aficionados for his oddball...
The Haunted World of Edward D. Wood, Jr.
A documentary that explores man's enduring fascination with the vampire legend by examining historical accounts, literary works, and as they are...
Vampires: Thirst for the Truth
Hosted by Christopher Lee, this documentary examines the different actors who have portrayed Dracula over the years.
The Many Faces of Dracula
Join foremost experts discussing true Horror Classics - Frankenstein, Dracula, The Black Cat, Wolfman, King Kong, Bride of Frankenstein, and more....
Monster Madness: The Golden Age of the Horror Film
A documentary from Universal about the movie "Dracula" (1931) starring Bela Lugosi.
The Road to 'Dracula'
A look at "Dracula" in the arts and his supposed real-life inspiration Vlad Tepes.
In Search of Dracula
Boris Karloff: The Rest of the Story takes a deeper look at the life and career of Boris Karloff, from 1931 to 1969, exploring films such as The...
Boris Karloff: The Rest of the Story
Lugosi: Hollywood's Dracula uncovers the life and career of legendary actor Bela Lugosi, examining his early life in Hungary and Germany through his...
Lugosi: Hollywood's Dracula
On Valentines Day, 1931, Universal Pictures released the film Dracula - the first true horror movie. Its worldwide success catapulted the film's lead...
Bela Lugosi: The Fallen Vampire
A documentary from Universal about the movie Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein.
Abbott and Costello Meet the Monsters!
A one hour documentary on the life of one of Hollywood's neglected horror icons, hosted by fear fan extraordinare Forrest J Ackerman & interviews...
Lugosi: The Forgotten King