British 'Semi-Fictional' sports drama featuring Grand Prix motorcycle racing world champion Barry Sheene as himself. It tells the story of Sheene's...
Space Riders
This documentary from BT Sport Films celebrates the life of two-time world champion biker Barry Sheene, paying homage to his trailblazing career.
Life Story - Made with his authorization and full participation, Barry shares his memories throughout with motor racing legend and friend Murray...
The Barry Sheene Story
Produced by ITV Sport, When Playboys Ruled the World is a documentary that takes a look at the lives of 1970s legends Barry Sheene and James Hunt....
When Playboys Ruled the World
Documentary on the life & times of 1976 & 1977 500cc World Motorbike Racing Champion Barry Sheene featuring family home movies shot by his father and...
Legacy: A Personal History of Barry Sheene
This daredevil documentary trails behind and into the minds of the biggest names in one of the world's most dangerous sports, superbike racing.
Speed is My Need