The story of Jerken, a young stage director, obsessed with his love for and his life with the theater. Something terrible has happened, a girl has...
A Dream in a Dream
The young Kazakh city girl Ainur wrestles with life. Everything and everybody seems to be against her: school, family, her best friend. But Ainur is...
A young man comes home to his Kazakh village after finishing up his stint in the Soviet Army. All that he finds are his old friends drinking,...
The Last Stop
He is a student, who believes in a true love. He writes short stories. One day he accidentally meets her. She is beautiful, but unpredictable. Not...
He and She
The Knight's Move
The third part of the epic "The Way of the Leader" tell about the student years of Nursultan Nazarbayev, about the most important stages of his...
Iron Mountain
The story of young accordionist who lives in a small post-war village on the south of Soviet Kazakhstan.
The Biography of a Young Accordian Player