When a stubborn suburban girl encounters a deadly cult while wandering the woods with her friends, the relationship between her and her religious...
A man plagued with the darkness of the past has to face it.
The Defender
When a sad, lonely man is frightened by his dead roommate possibly haunting him, he enlists the help of the Flatbread crew. Together they all...
Flatbread Files: The Case of Timothy Abernathy
A homeless man attempts to go about his life.
When the last two alive on Earth are a 10-year-old boy and girl, compromise and navigating through their differences is the only chance for humankind.
A hungry boy with a beard to rival the Gods has a stomach ache. It's up to him to traverse the dangers of life to get to his fateful burger.
Burger Boy
Ever since Margaret was six years old, she has been haunted by the memory of watching her sister drown during an explosive fight between her parents....
The Blazing World
Bartlett, a lonely detective in the 1940s, is given a case to investigate a broke relationship. As the case goes on, Bartlett starts to become too...
Apostle of Sorrow