Based on Lim Solah's novel of the same title, Snowball focuses on the friendship between three girls who are united by frustration with the mundane...
Dr. KIM Sang-chul who is a world renowned genius medical scientist is killed by himself and his head is cut and missing in his funeral. While a...
8 contestants compete for $1,000,000 on a survival reality TV show set in the Australian desert. After the first eliminated contestant is found dead,...
A Million
Sang-seok (Kim Sang-seok) is an actor whose career has stalled before it has even begun. He has never been in a major film production, he is...
We Will Be OK
This indie charmer take us on an aimless seaside vacation with struggling film producer, In-sung, where he meets an energetic young girl he suspects...
Second Half
The day Sang-seok's friend and Mi-so's boyfriend Jeong-woo tries to kill himself, Sang-seok can't take it because he is worried about Mi-so. He...
Ordinary Days