When Yuki's classmate suddenly dies, rumors begin to spread about her death and the relationships between Yuki and her classmates are disrupted...
Misa Kuroi is a good witch, but wherever she goes, evil follows. When a dying girl appears out of nowhere shouting Misa's name, our heroine goes to...
Eko Eko Azarak: Misa the Dark Angel
The fifth installment of the psychic documentary series. Sara and Saki, my half-sisters, visited a haunted spot in Izu for an interview. Sarah, who...
Paranormal Psychic: Possession
The 6th installment of the Paranormal Psychic series.
Paranormal Psychic: Strange
Ten actresses live in a folk hotel to prepare musical performances. One of the famous actresses suddenly disappeared without a cause, although less...
9 + 1
The story of a teenage boy named Yu, who falls for Yoko, a girl he runs into while working as an "up-skirt" photographer in an offshoot of the porn...
Love Exposure
The timid, young Asuka is bullied by her classmates. When they embark on a class field trip to Korea, Asuka plans revenge by sending them a cursed...
One Missed Call 3: Final