A young, talented singer (Misora) is orphaned, not once but twice, and has to turn to a rather unlikely, and unwilling, parental figure, while...
The Tokyo Kid
Around the Genroku era, there was a man named Saotome Shusui-no-Suke, nephew to the senior councilor Matsudaira Sakon Shogen. He was commonly known...
The Imposter
Sixth film of the Bannai Tarao series starring Chiezo Kataoka.
Bannai Tarao Series Demon King of Kyokumadan
The final film in the 1953 trilogy based on the long novel series The Great Bodhisattva Pass.
Merciless Blade Part 3
A fellow member of the company named Hanjiro tells Koharu, an actress in a traveling theatrical troupe, about a keepsake folding fan that his lost...
The Swordsman and the Actress
One of the greatest film serials ever to come out of Japan puts together an all-star cast in the search for the key of the Crimson Peacock, a...
The Crimson Peacock