In war-torn Japan, the Tokugawa Shogun, desperate to restore peace to his people, orders the assassination of the hostile warlords. A beautiful young...
Young assassins Azumi and Nagara continue their mission to prevent a civil war. In their hunt for Masayuki Sanada, who is protected by both an army...
Azumi 2: Death or Love
Set in the traditional city of Kyoto, Japan, this deeply poetic TV movie revolves around Chieko who becomes bewildered and troubled as she discovers...
Baton is a collection of three 20-minute Sci-fi anime films dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the establishment of Yokohama city. On Planet Abel,...
High school student Asako moves all of her belongings to the refuse area of her apartment complex and stops attending school. Kazuyoshi, a precocious...
Hitoribocchi - Hito to Hito wo Tsunagu Ai no Monogatari
Drawing influence from the street musicians of Miyagi, four high school students form a band and spend their free time practicing for their school's...
Surely Someday
Tells the story of Yamaguchi Yoshiko, a Japanese woman born and raised in China during the Japanese occupation of Manchuria. She debuts as the...
Ri Kôran
Amamiya Shu transfers to Moriwaki elementary filled with hope and ambition. But it doesn't take long before he gets picked on by the class bullies,...
The Piano Forest
The story follows a Roman architect named Lucius, who is having trouble coming up with ideas. One day, he discovers a hidden tunnel underneath a spa...
Thermae Romae
Live DVD release from Aya Ueto includes footage of her "Best Live Tour 2007 Never Ever" tour recorded live at her September 1, 2007 tour finale at...
Ueto Aya's is Juri Tatematsu. She's blind like her husband. They give birth to a child, despite fears and opposition from their parents. Raising the...
Ai wa mieru: Zenmô fûfu ni yadotta chiisana inochi
Shiro Kaieda is appointed the captain of Japan's first nuclear submarine, jointly built by Japan and the United States in top secret. However, he and...
The Silent Service
(I will Soar to the Skies in my Wheelchair ) Hasebe Yasuyuki is living his life carelessly alone in his apartment, until one day, he jumps from the...
I Will Fly to the Sky on a Wheelchair
In this love story set in the Edo period, 27-year-old Oharu is a genius in the kitchen. Oharu attracts the attention of the master chef of the Kaga...
A Tale of Samurai Cooking
A young girl named Oshin is sent to work for another family, because of her own family's financial condition. Nevertheless, the young girl lives...
Shylock's Children
Remake of a hit film from 1990, "The Cherry Orchard" which Nakahara himself directed, based on a popular comic book from Akimi Yoshida. The story...
The Cherry Orchard: Blossoming
Concert film featuring Ueto Aya's live tour "Genki Hatsuratsuu" held in Tokyo on August 29, 2005.
UETO AYA LIVE TOUR 2005 "Genki Hatsuratsuu"?
In ancient Rome, bathhouse architect Lucius (Hiroshi Abe) becomes famous with designing the original "thermae" (bathhouse). He receives an order to...
Thermae Romae II
This drama is about the life of Japan's infamous poet, Kaneko Misuzu. It begins with her as a young girl in the Taisho era, and tells of her life as...
One day, Baikinman finds a picture book, hears a voice calling for help from inside the book, and is sucked into the book, where he meets the forest...
Let's Go! Anpanman: Baikinman and Lulun
Set 3 years after the drama series. Kitano Yuichiro comes to give a lecture in the town where divorcee Sasamoto Sawa now lives quietly. The two meet...
After a sudden explosion at Edge of Ocean island in Tokyo, Tōru Amuro, codename Zero, begins to investigate. Meanwhile, private eye Kogorō...
Case Closed: Zero the Enforcer
Hirayama Koichi and his wife Michiko eloped from Osaka to Okinawa, where they lived happily with their five children. When war erupts, their eldest...
Song of the Canefields
The Killers from Paraiso
Concert film Ueto Aya's first live tour at Zepp Tokyo on May 25, 2003.
The story is about a 5-year-old girl who lived in just after World War II when people were struggle for survival.
Tomorrow I'll be Lively ~Half Sweet Potato~
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