After 200 years, an incompetent demon returns to earth in search of a soul to bring back to the underworld, when he encounters two unimpressed video...
A cavalier hacker and his jaded companion delve into London's desperate underworld and pitch three criminals a weapon too good to be true; a device...
A mother must protect her family on Christmas Day from a demented stranger who is hell bent on tearing them apart.
Red Christmas
A day in the life of Sydney's burgeoning drug culture. A tour of a bohemian drug den in which visitors simply come and go, stopping by each...
Kick Ons
1500 Actors from all around the World help create a very unique and groundbreaking Feature Film.
Hello Au Revoir
Shy teenage monster making new friends in a new place. In a world where humans live alongside monsters, Martha finds herself stuck with a major...
Martha the Monster