Zhenya and Boris are going through a vicious divorce marked by resentment, frustration and recriminations. Already embarking on new lives, each with...
A story about a simple school literature teacher, Fedorov, who thought his life couldn't become more boring and pointless until he met a strange...
By the age of twenty, Eduard Streltsov has everything one can dream of: talent, fame and love. He is the rising star of Soviet football. The whole...
A story about Russian aerospace engineer and scientist, creator of well-known Soviet helicopter Mi-1 and the founder of Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant
Michael Mil
A person is constantly changing in every moment of their life and yet remains the same. No matter how lucky, young or even in love we are, we bear...
The Lonely Souls of Microbes
From the first look Kostya “Cat” Sukhoveev is an ordinary 15-years old boy. He doesn’t do very well at school, his parents are in...
Call Me Blackbird