The story revolves around Rahul Singh (John Abraham), a compulsive gambler who wins Rs. 20 million from a bet and throws a party to celebrate....
This story follows an old man who, while facing the insurmountable challenge of cancer, strives to show his grandson the profound beauty and value of...
A Breath
Children build a tree-house to spy on a beggar, than seek his help against a builder.
Zor Lagaa Ke... Haiya!
Devrai depicts a story of a man who suffers from schizophrenia and is struggling to come to terms with his illness and the frustration of his...
The Sacred Grove
A taxi driver and a businessman create havoc in each other's lives after a chance meeting.
Taxi No. 9211
Set in the 70's in rural India, four 9th grade kids were writing their destiny. Joshi (14) is madly in love with Shirodkar (14) a beautiful Indian...