Naan Thaan Siva is an upcoming Tamil thriller film directed by R. Panneerselvam and produced by Thirupathi Brothers. The film features newcomer Vinod...
Naan Thaan Siva
Prabhu, a young college student, kidnaps his lover Rithika when her father disapproves of their relationship. Manoj Menon, an encounter specialist,...
Udhayam NH4
Tamizh and his two friends are offered a huge sum of money by businessman Hippie Lahiri to kidnap Isha, who, incidentally, happens to be Tamizh's...
Oru Kanniyum Moonu Kalavaanikalum
Dhanush 5am Vaguppu is an 2014 Tamil movie directed by Kathaga Thirumalavan.
Dhanush 5am Vaguppu
An adventurous youngster sets out in search of a precious stone, somewhere in the forests of north east, accompanied by an archaeological survey team