The film revolves around "young" are forced to lie at the beginning of his life as a result of the difficult conditions experienced by the passage of...
El Rajul El Ghamid Bisalamatoh
Iraq International Awards
A mysterious murder tests the relationship between two sisters, especially because they are at a close age and compete for the love of the same man.
The Chord
Sameh is an incorrigible boy who is always keen on getting what he wants. He falls in love with Shahd, the daughter of a major novelist who places a...
Boy and Girl
The Egyptian navy prepares for a crucial military operation to sink the Israeli destroyer Eilat. The mission is carried out by a group of officers...
Dignity Day
group of friends helping their friend to start her project in sharm el sheikh
Dreams Of Our Age
A new guy who falls in love with a girl he meets, loses his memory when she accidently hit him with her car; the doctor advices his father to repeat...
Young Lovers
During an operation to capture the head of a terrorist cell, special operations officer Saif, is injured while his partner, Amr, is killed. Saif vows...
The Cell
Metwali, a simple chef, gets the chance to work at the presidential palace. The president starts referring to him to learn about the lives of his...
The President's Chef
The events take place inside an orphanage, around a young girl named Sukar, who lives with a large group of children. The orphanage is run by an...