A wealthy industrialist, despite his wealth, drinks alone at night. His wife, deprived of love, meets a past love interest, leading to unfortunate...
The story centers around a character named Ram, a mischievous and cunning teenager who keeps the villagers on their toes with his antics. He steals...
Ramer Sumati
During the liberation of India, an old-fashioned man must examine his priorities.
A 1973 Bengali Comedy Film directed by Chidananda Dasgupta. The remake of the Silent Comedy Bengali Film Bilet Pherat (1921), directed by Nitish...
Bilet Pherat
Goopy Gyne and Bagha Byne are banished from their respective villages for being bad musicians. However, with their skills, they succeed in pleasing...
The Adventures of Goopy and Bagha
Life at home changes when a housewife from a middle-class, conservative family in Calcutta gets a job as a salesperson. Preserved by the Academy...
The Big City
Montu, an unemployed middle-class bachelor falls in love with Sarasi, a teacher. He tries hard to impress Sarasi but she dislikes his unstable...
Teen Bhubaner Paare
Asadharan is the story of Jagabandhu, a man who is always eager to help people. He doesn't even think of his well-being in his efforts to do so. The...
A 1973 Bengali Drama Film directed by Ashutosh Bandyopadhyay, featuring Soumitra Chattopadhyay & Mithu Mukhopadhyay in lead roles.
Nishi Kanya
A 1973 Bengali Drama Film directed by Salil Dutta.
Shesh Prishthay Dekhun
A 1973 Bengali Drama Film directed by Ajit Gangopadhyay.
A thrilling tale of crime and deception as Mr. Gonzales' criminal empire faces collapse, entwined with the mysterious Number Three's dangerous game...
Sheyal Debota Rahasya is a Mystery, Thriller TV Film of Feluda Series. This film is about The Anubis Mystery. Feluda must solve the Mystery case.
Sheyal Debota Rahasya
A man goes to a pilgrimage to Gangotri/Yamunotri and onward to Gomukh. Every member of the team has some reason to undertake the pilgrimage.
Bigalito Karuna Janhabi Jamuna