The video revolves around an unending "meeting" - a busy, aimless meeting that goes in circles to evade a traditional narrative arc. The meeting is...
K-CoreaINC. K (section a)
Trecartin returns to his conception of family-as-business-enterprise, casting parent figures as managers and executives on one end of the spectrum,...
Sibling Topics (Section A)
In P.opular (section ish), a character played by Trecartin informs us that she wants ‘to live in a world where narration is the...
P.opular (section-ish)
Originally released in 1998, "Icy Lake" is one of only three recordings by Dat Oven, a NYC-based house duo made up of Jeffery Gratton and Shunji...
Icy Lake
Dazzling and raucous, Ryan Trecartin's first feature-length video takes cues from chat rooms, social networking web sites, YouTube, John Waters, and...
I-Be Area