A man who bears a striking resemblance to a renowned movie star becomes an obsessive fan, but when his fierce love is spurned by the star, he decides...
A demon torments the family and friends of Anita in order to take revenge on his death, which was caused by her police-officer father.
Widowed multi-millionaire Sharda lives with an only son, Munna; she is also the proprietor of a factory called, "Sharda Chemicals". Sharda arranges...
A film about growing up ... at any age
Namaste: Say Hello To... Love
Sonia and Rohit love each other but Rohit is mysteriously killed. When Sonia moves to New Zealand, she meets Raj, Rohit's lookalike who helps her...
Kaho Naa... Pyaar Hai
Jason wants to be taken more seriously as an actor, so he asks his friend Kevin Smith for advice, and decides to become a method actor. Trouble is,...
Madness in the Method
Singleton Kartar Singh is left with the responsibility of raising his two orphaned nephews. He asks his brother in Punjab to raise Charan and his...