Set in working class Newcastle, the Stott family fight their private battles against the backdrop of the conflict of World War II. Helen Stott, over...
And a Nightingale Sang
An experimental mix of thriller and documentary exploring the scandal centred on the one-time Newcastle Council Leader, aka The Mouth of the Tyne,...
T. Dan Smith: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Utopia
A magical realist feature drama exploring the lives of a women’s darts team on North Shields’ Meadow Well Estate.
Dream On
A feature drama set in the declining fishing industry in North Shields, the film centres on the upheaval caused in a traditional fishing community by...
In Fading Light
Educating Oz, is a very rare chapter in Auf Wiedersehen, Pet history. Mostly unseen by many viewers it stars Jimmy Nail as Oz, and Tim Healy as...
Educating Oz
Set in the harness racing fraternity, this feature drama explores the conflict between urban and rural values and the relationship between an...
Eden Valley