I den tredje filmen om Knerten har Lillebror og familien hans flyttet. Knerten har fått en sønn, Lille-Knerten, og lykken er stor. Men...
Twigson in Trouble
The film Twigson is all about a tough, naughty, quick-witted and brave boy. Lillebror has just moved, and has not made any new friends yet, when his...
When Lillebror's mother is mysteriously hurt in a biking accident, Lillebror and Knerten turn the town upside down trying to find the culprit.
Twigson Ties the Knot
Norwegian war drama. The old sea-captain retires, but the next day German WWII occupation of Norway begins. He then kisses his wife good-bye and is...
The Last Lieutenant
A young boy named Espen Søplekladden is leaving home. He starts to work at a jazz café named "Balla Jazzhus". But his evil brother is...
Showbiz: or how to become a celebrity in 1-2-3!