A provocative character driven story that explores the obsessions, betrayals and psychosis of online dating. This movie is a modern day...
After a poor real estate decision a family man, David finds himself in debt and can't find a way out. While checking on one of his rental properties...
Death Blow
In the dark and seedy streets of Ybor City, Florida, Vampire Investigator Sammy Slick vows to rid the city of its blood sucking inhabitants once and...
Sammy Slick: Vampire Slayer
After becoming the winningest coach in college football history, Joe Paterno is embroiled in Penn State's Jerry Sandusky sexual abuse scandal,...
Loner Marc moves from the city to a quiet suburban neighborhood. Soon realizing the community is more than it seems, he must solve a mysterious real...
Horse Town
After Nick is accidentally sent a sexy video from his dream girl and her friends, he drags his best friend Brian on a mission to figure out where the...
There's Always One
When an unexpected visitor turns up at a house party and informs the guests they are destined to die that night, the doomed revelers must find...