A westernised man who constantly parties falls in love with a woman from a traditional family. As usual, they soon find their romance disrupted by a...
Pilata Bigidigala
Plot Unavailable.
Namaste Kamala Maa go
A 2008 Odiya-language film based off the 1991 film Sleeping With The Enemy and the 1996 film Agni Sakshi. Chandan is in love with Shriya, despite...
Mu Sapanara Soudagar
Shiva Not Out is a Oriya movie starring Arindam Roy and Archita Sahu in prominent roles. It is an action, drama and romance directed by Sudhanshu...
Shiva Not Out
Motion picture from abroad starring Gloria Mahanty and Siddhant Mahapatra
O My Love
Sanju is an orphan who works as a pizza delivery boy to earn his living. However, his life takes a major twist when he falls for the daughter of a...
Nisha lives in Odisha and is in love with Prem who is obsessed about going to Dubai where her twin sister lives. But Prem's father creates problems...
Bye Bye Dubai