The newsreel series Jornal Português (1938-1951) was produced for the Secretariat of National Propaganda (SPN/SNI) by the "Portuguese Newsreel...
Jornal Português (1938-1951)
Documentary in which the main events that marked the country and Portuguese society in the years 1974 and 1975 are chronologically addressed. The...
Portugal 74-75 - O retrato do 25 de Abril
Owners of Portugal is a documentary about one hundred years of economic power. The film portrays the State protection to families that dominated the...
Owners of Portugal
Images and sounds expose the duality of Portugal during the days of WW2: a peaceful, god-loving, rural country, providing an escape route for over...
Lusitanian Illusion
Franco on Trial is the new film by Dietmar Post and Lucía Palacios. After the success of Franco's Settlers, their first encounter with...
Franco on Trial: The Spanish Nuremberg?
Portrait of a time and a country through the plotless story of an unassuming couple, questioning seeming antagonisms that conceal mysterious...
History with no capital letter