Follows the story of Opinião, a theatre group created in 1964 during the early Brazilian dictatorship period to oppose the government through...
Memórias do Grupo Opinião
Loki brings the trajectory of Arnaldo Baptista from childhood, passing through the most successful phase as leader of the Mutantes, marriage to...
Loki: Arnaldo Baptista
A look into the life and mind of Brazilian playwright and filmmaker Domingos Oliveira through his daily activities and artistic deeds.
A rescue of the history of Ipanema beach in the 1970s, when the construction of a pier changed the landscape and created fertile soil for a...
Dunas do Barato
The Beggars
In this humorous review of her journey in our world, Odete Lara reveals all her authenticity and lucidity in front of the cameras.
Brazilian Portraits: Odete Lara
Documentary about the 68-generation, told through the story of the newspaper “O Sol”, one of the first vehicles of the alternative...
O Sol - Caminhando contra o vento